Our Services
Hospice Care & Quality of Life Evaluations
We are currently at capacity with our hospice patients. Feel free to check back on our availability.
Euthanasia is an extremely hard decision to make for your pet. We understand the magnitude of this decision and are here to help you along the way. We can schedule an appointment to go through your pet’s medical records, do a physical exam, and evaluate your pet’s current conditions. During these appointments, we can recommend palliative care options, try to improve your pet’s mobility, assist with pain control, discuss euthanasia and/or refer you to a full-service veterinarian if we find conditions that can be treated.
At-Home Euthanasia
What to expect during your appointment
Although you are likely anxious about this process, it is very simple and goes quite peacefully at home.
When we first arrive we’ll discuss your concerns about your pet and go over any questions you might have. We’ll have a little bit of paperwork to complete unless you’ve already completed it through our website.
A sedative will be given to your pet so that they are able to relax and you’re able to spend some time with them while they’re pain free. This process takes a few minutes but is such a gift to see your pet so relaxed and comfortable.
Once you and your pet are ready, we will proceed with euthanasia.
After you have had time to says your goodbyes we will make a paw print for you to keep and transport your pet for cremation if you desire that service.
Let us know who your primary care veterinarian is and we’ll notify them of your pet’s passing
We are always happy to discuss any questions or concerns you have about this process so don’t hesitate to reach out via a phone call!
Aftercare & Cremation
Although you are welcome to bury your pet at home (see your local regulations), we do offer the option of cremation. If you decide to have your pet cremated, we can handle everything for you. Once your pet has passed, we will give you time to say your goodbyes and then transport your pet for cremation. There are the following two options for cremation:
Private Cremation
With private cremation, your pet is individually cremated and you will receive their cremains back. Your pet's cremains will be returned in a metal urn with paw prints etched on the sides and will include a cremation certificate.
Your loved one’s cremains will be ready for pick up in approximately two weeks.
Communal Cremation
With communal cremation, several pets are cremated together, and the resulting cremains are then memorialized on the cemetery grounds. Please be aware that no cremains are returned when communal cremation is chosen.
If your pet passes at home without euthanasia care but you would like cremation, we would be happy to assist you with the transportation of your pet for cremation. Please call our office at (570) 906-4129